Through play in water and sand, children gain concepts of change, volume and weight. Weekly projects encourage exploration of the natural environment, and children enjoy participation in caring for the garden, growing and watering flowers and discussing their pets. Through project work, they will become aware of the workings of their bodies and the world around them. During the term before children join reception year, they will be introduced to the computer and the use of a keyboard and mouse, and other aspects of learning will be supported by technology in number and literacy programmes.
OfstedChildren develop their knowledge of technology and understand that information can be retrieved from computers
In the springtime the children are as excited as the staff to be able to watch chickens hatch from eggs in an incubator and caterpillars turn into butterflies ready to be released into the garden. They are able to watch the daily progress of nest building through a camera installed in a bird box on the nursery wall. The monitor in the Library allows the children to follow the making of the nest, laying of eggs, hatching and the mother feeding the young until they fly the nest.
We frequently bring in new experiences for the children such as Lounge Lizards who bring tortoises, snakes and even monkeys. We have had visits from Owls and Birds of Prey as well as guide dogs and police horses. The children have loved visits from the Police and Fire Service. We have also been lucky enough to have some of our parents come in to talk to the children about different religious festivals.
OfstedStaff have high expectations of children and help them to learn about tolerance and respect.