Our aim is to provide a structured daily routine where every child feels secure, confident and valued. We are proud of our warm, happy family atmosphere, and how we introduce the children to learning through play, without pressure. Children explore our resources at their own pace in a stimulating environment which encourages natural curiosity. A wide variety of activities offered daily, such as art and craft, music, singing, drama, movement, early sciences, water and sand play.
The staff within Oranges and Lemons create lively and interesting 'themes' for each week, around which all activities are based. Planning and activities focus upon the interests of the child, and are predominantly child led. Each day, children will experience learning in seven areas: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Detailed plans of work are recorded and parents are very welcome to share these with us and perhaps contribute their own suggestions for activities. All of the children have time to play in the grounds, and the nursery provides weatherproof clothing for outdoor experiences in the rain and snow! In the summer months a huge variety of activities are conducted outside.
Monkton is one of the very few nurseries in Liverpool to benefit from the presence of qualified teachers. In the last Ofsted report, Monkton received high commendation for the standard of educational provision offered to the preschool age range, with all judgements being "Outstanding". The nursery now has 4 qualified teachers leading practice for the children of all ages.
OfstedChildren are highly motivated, confident and enthusiastic learners. They gain excellent skills to support their future learning. Children behave exceptionally well. They are friendly and helpful and play harmoniously together. Children develop excellent mathematical skills. Older children use concepts such as estimation and they enthusiastically learn about the features of geometric shapes.
Each day children will experience learning in six areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Regular observations and assessments are completed for each child, to ensure that he or she is developing in each sphere, and to check any problems which they may encounter. All this information, including photographs These "Learning Journeys" belong to our parents and can be seen at any time. They are strictly confidential, and would be forwarded to prospective schools only at the parent's request. The completed record is given to the parent when the child leaves to go to school.